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Royal Canadian’s Phytogen introduced as a must item that Beauty and Booty Season 4 chooses
Posted by HYE MYUNG PYO on
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Royal Canadian’s Phytogen introduced as a must item that Beauty and Booty Season 4 chooses
Posted by HYE MYUNG PYO on
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Royal Canadian Receives NPN Health Canada Approval for PHYTO-GEN
Posted by HYE MYUNG PYO on
Royal Canadian's PHYTO-GEN, the original Canadian nutritional supplement health brand of global nutraceutical company Renu Bio Health, has officially received the NPN number by Health Canada.
The Natural Product Number (NPN) is a license formally issued by Health Canada, which recognizes the safety, effectiveness, and quality of natural health products. Royal Canadian has received the NPN number for "PHYTO-GEN."
PHYTO-GEN is a natural female hormone balancer that uses Lignan-SDG (LSDG) as its main ingredient and can help with menopause symptoms, menstrual irregularity, PMS, and osteoporosis. It is 100% carried out in Canada from production to manufacturing of raw materials and has completed inspection by South Korea's Ministry of Food and Drug Safety as well as Health Canada. It is currently exported to 10 countries worldwide, including Canada, South Korea, the United States of America, and Europe.
LSDG, a major ingredient of PHYTO-GEN, is a natural plant estrogen that contains about 2,800 times the amount of female hormones in pomegranates. It also helps the health of the womb by providing optimal balance to the body by helping with antioxidant action as well as promoting and suppressing female hormones. PHYTO-GEN contains 400mg of LSDG.
Meanwhile, Royal Canadian is set to acquire international patents for eight special functions and effects with PHYTO-GEN.
"PHYTO-GEN is a natural female hormone balancer, and is widely loved by women of all ages from 20s to 50s" and "Since this NPN certification has further proven its product strength, we will continue to work on product development and related activities to prevent disease and suffering in women due to female hormone imbalance," a Royal Canadian brand official said.
For further information, please contact Renu Bio Health’s Public Relations by e-mail at You may also visit
글로벌뉴트라수티컬(Nutraceutical) 기업 리누바이오헬스㈜의 오리지널 캐네디언 건강기능식품브랜드 로얄캐네디언의 파이토젠 제품이 캐나다보건부심사를 통과해 NPN 번호를 획득했다.
NPN(Natural Product Number)은 캐나다보건부(Health Canada)에서 정식으로 발급하는 코드로 안전하고 효과적이며 품질까지 인정된 천연 건강 제품에 대해 부여하는 라이센스다. 로얄캐네디언은 ‘파이토젠’ 제품으로 이번 인증을 획득했다.
파이토젠은 LSDG를 주원료로 하는 천연여성호르몬밸랜서로 갱년기 증상이나 생리불순, PMS, 골다공증 등에 도움을 줄수 있는 제품이다. 원료생산부터제조까지 100% 캐나다에서이루어지고있으며캐나다보건부뿐만아니라국내식약처검수까지완료했다. 현재 캐나다와 한국을 비롯해 미국, 유럽 등 전세계 10개국으로 수출되고 있다. 파이토젠의 주요 성분인 LSDG는 천연 식물성 에스트로겐으로 석류의 약 2,800배에 달하는 여성호르몬이 함유돼 있다. 또한 항산화 작용 및 여성호르몬 촉진과 억제를 도와 우리 몸에 최적의 밸런스를 맞춰줘 포궁건강을 돕는다. 로얄캐네디언 파이토젠에는 LSDG 400mg이 함유돼 있다
한편, 로얄캐네디언은파이토젠으로 8가지특수기능및효과에국제특허취득을앞두고있다.
로얄캐네디언 브랜드 관계자는 “파이토젠은 천연 여성호르몬밸랜서로 20대부터 50대까지 전연령층의 여성들에게 널리 사랑받고 있다”며 “이번 NPN 인증을 통해 제품력을 한층 더 인증받은 만큼 앞으로도 전세계 여성들이 관련 질환으로 고통받지 않도록 제품 개발 및 관련 활동에 힘쓸 예정이다”라고 전했다.
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Royal Canadian Receives NPN Health Canada Approval for PHYTO-GEN
Posted by HYE MYUNG PYO on
Royal Canadian's PHYTO-GEN, the original Canadian nutritional supplement health brand of global nutraceutical company Renu Bio Health, has officially received the NPN number by Health Canada.
The Natural Product Number (NPN) is a license formally issued by Health Canada, which recognizes the safety, effectiveness, and quality of natural health products. Royal Canadian has received the NPN number for "PHYTO-GEN."
PHYTO-GEN is a natural female hormone balancer that uses Lignan-SDG (LSDG) as its main ingredient and can help with menopause symptoms, menstrual irregularity, PMS, and osteoporosis. It is 100% carried out in Canada from production to manufacturing of raw materials and has completed inspection by South Korea's Ministry of Food and Drug Safety as well as Health Canada. It is currently exported to 10 countries worldwide, including Canada, South Korea, the United States of America, and Europe.
LSDG, a major ingredient of PHYTO-GEN, is a natural plant estrogen that contains about 2,800 times the amount of female hormones in pomegranates. It also helps the health of the womb by providing optimal balance to the body by helping with antioxidant action as well as promoting and suppressing female hormones. PHYTO-GEN contains 400mg of LSDG.
Meanwhile, Royal Canadian is set to acquire international patents for eight special functions and effects with PHYTO-GEN.
"PHYTO-GEN is a natural female hormone balancer, and is widely loved by women of all ages from 20s to 50s" and "Since this NPN certification has further proven its product strength, we will continue to work on product development and related activities to prevent disease and suffering in women due to female hormone imbalance," a Royal Canadian brand official said.
For further information, please contact Renu Bio Health’s Public Relations by e-mail at You may also visit
글로벌뉴트라수티컬(Nutraceutical) 기업 리누바이오헬스㈜의 오리지널 캐네디언 건강기능식품브랜드 로얄캐네디언의 파이토젠 제품이 캐나다보건부심사를 통과해 NPN 번호를 획득했다.
NPN(Natural Product Number)은 캐나다보건부(Health Canada)에서 정식으로 발급하는 코드로 안전하고 효과적이며 품질까지 인정된 천연 건강 제품에 대해 부여하는 라이센스다. 로얄캐네디언은 ‘파이토젠’ 제품으로 이번 인증을 획득했다.
파이토젠은 LSDG를 주원료로 하는 천연여성호르몬밸랜서로 갱년기 증상이나 생리불순, PMS, 골다공증 등에 도움을 줄수 있는 제품이다. 원료생산부터제조까지 100% 캐나다에서이루어지고있으며캐나다보건부뿐만아니라국내식약처검수까지완료했다. 현재 캐나다와 한국을 비롯해 미국, 유럽 등 전세계 10개국으로 수출되고 있다. 파이토젠의 주요 성분인 LSDG는 천연 식물성 에스트로겐으로 석류의 약 2,800배에 달하는 여성호르몬이 함유돼 있다. 또한 항산화 작용 및 여성호르몬 촉진과 억제를 도와 우리 몸에 최적의 밸런스를 맞춰줘 포궁건강을 돕는다. 로얄캐네디언 파이토젠에는 LSDG 400mg이 함유돼 있다
한편, 로얄캐네디언은파이토젠으로 8가지특수기능및효과에국제특허취득을앞두고있다.
로얄캐네디언 브랜드 관계자는 “파이토젠은 천연 여성호르몬밸랜서로 20대부터 50대까지 전연령층의 여성들에게 널리 사랑받고 있다”며 “이번 NPN 인증을 통해 제품력을 한층 더 인증받은 만큼 앞으로도 전세계 여성들이 관련 질환으로 고통받지 않도록 제품 개발 및 관련 활동에 힘쓸 예정이다”라고 전했다.
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Scientific Research
Posted by HYE MYUNG PYO on
Flaxseed influences the metabolism of female estrogen. 18 menopausal female subjects were asked to consume 10g of flaxseed daily for 4 months. As a result, the luteal phase menstrual cycle was lengthened. On the other hand, 25 menopause female subjects were asked to consume 25g of flaxseed every day and as a result, the flaxseed stimulated the virginal cell maturation which confirmed that flaxseed has effects on estrogen in the female reproductive organs. Moreover, after ingesting 40g of flaxseed for 4 months, 25 menopausal women suffering from menopausal symptoms were relieved from the symptoms and show similar results of those undergoing hormone replacement therapy (taking 0.625mg of synthetic estrogen).
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Scientific Research
Posted by HYE MYUNG PYO on
Flaxseed influences the metabolism of female estrogen. 18 menopausal female subjects were asked to consume 10g of flaxseed daily for 4 months. As a result, the luteal phase menstrual cycle was lengthened. On the other hand, 25 menopause female subjects were asked to consume 25g of flaxseed every day and as a result, the flaxseed stimulated the virginal cell maturation which confirmed that flaxseed has effects on estrogen in the female reproductive organs. Moreover, after ingesting 40g of flaxseed for 4 months, 25 menopausal women suffering from menopausal symptoms were relieved from the symptoms and show similar results of those undergoing hormone replacement therapy (taking 0.625mg of synthetic estrogen).
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Posted by Chistine Pyo on
When the human body is passed from maturity to old age, between Forty to Fifty, our body functions are usually deacreasing. Especially for women, the reproductive function and menstrual stops and in the case of male, sexual phenomenon appears sharply decline.
Usually if women does not have period for a year, it is diagnosised as menopause and it gradually processed after. The symptoms are
Hot flashes, sweating, fatigue, anxiety, depression, memory impairment, sleep disorders
Vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, recurring vaginal infections and urinary tract infections, cystitis, dysuria
Arthritis, osteoporosis and so on.
Mainly these menopausal syndrome is a phenomenon that appears due to decreased amount of the secretion of female hormone estrogen.
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Posted by Chistine Pyo on
When the human body is passed from maturity to old age, between Forty to Fifty, our body functions are usually deacreasing. Especially for women, the reproductive function and menstrual stops and in the case of male, sexual phenomenon appears sharply decline.
Usually if women does not have period for a year, it is diagnosised as menopause and it gradually processed after. The symptoms are
Hot flashes, sweating, fatigue, anxiety, depression, memory impairment, sleep disorders
Vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, recurring vaginal infections and urinary tract infections, cystitis, dysuria
Arthritis, osteoporosis and so on.
Mainly these menopausal syndrome is a phenomenon that appears due to decreased amount of the secretion of female hormone estrogen.
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Renu Bio Health Ltd.
Posted by Chistine Pyo on
Renu Bio Health Ltd is a firm that specializes in the research and development of All-Natural supplements and formulas. Our company was founded with a dream and a passion. We have a dream to spread information and product knowledge about Nutraceuticals around the United States, and eventually the globe. If more people knew about the incredible benefits of Nutraceuticals, we firmly believe more people would use them.
Our passion is for helping individuals just like you see the revolutionary benefits of Nutraceuticals like Phytogen and others. Renu Bio Health genuinely cares about the wellbeing of our customers. For this reason, we only source 100% authentic, organic, high-quality ingredients to develop our natural dietary supplement products.
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Renu Bio Health Ltd.
Posted by Chistine Pyo on
Renu Bio Health Ltd is a firm that specializes in the research and development of All-Natural supplements and formulas. Our company was founded with a dream and a passion. We have a dream to spread information and product knowledge about Nutraceuticals around the United States, and eventually the globe. If more people knew about the incredible benefits of Nutraceuticals, we firmly believe more people would use them.
Our passion is for helping individuals just like you see the revolutionary benefits of Nutraceuticals like Phytogen and others. Renu Bio Health genuinely cares about the wellbeing of our customers. For this reason, we only source 100% authentic, organic, high-quality ingredients to develop our natural dietary supplement products.